Intentional Healing

for individuals + couples, who are ready to dive in + become more soulfully aligned.

Why an Immersion?

Over the years of meeting clients through a traditional model of ongoing weekly/bi-weekly sessions,
I saw the need to create a different space to connect and heal.

By immersing yourself deeply, we can more efficiently get to the core of your distress
while working to expand your alignment to your own self and each other.

We also deeply need space to pause, to slow down, and reset.
This is how we nourish ourselves + return home within.

We don’t need to drag out the work over months when we can accomplish
powerful shifts through focused intention.

I see results in these immersions you can’t create through ongoing sessions.
And given the pace of our current culture, the need to step away to focus inward to become more still is stronger than ever.

Imagine spending the morning watching the sun rise over the fresh water sea of Lake Superior, as we weave in healing ceremonies to ground, recenter and open your heart.

Imagine being surrounded by a bold felt silence.
It’s something nearly every guest notices first when they arrive.
The quiet.
No cars. No sidewalks.
Acreage separating you from the next home.

In this tranquil and wild place, you’ll be invited to deeply (re)align
while exploring your connection
to yourself, each other (for couples), and with the Earth + Spirit.

As much as possible, we’ll allow Nature to be our guide and healer, being out in Her elements among the trees and near (or better yet, IN) the cleansing waters.

You’ll also have the opportunity to hike nearby waterfalls, tour a local farm/orchard, or sea kayak to one of the apostle islands.
Again, everything is customized to give you what YOU need in this space.

*various plant medicines can also used to assist in our work as our emotional
and physical bodies often need this support to more deeply heal.
inquire for more information.

What is an Immersion?

Most often immersions are a 3-5 day experience where you step away from your day to day life, to consciously focus on your healing, growth, + personal integration. Stays can be longer and tailored to your needs (up to a month).

Everything is customized to and for YOU.

These are powerful experiences that can compact months of ongoing counseling/coaching into just a weekend.

Perfect For:

  • writers, artists, creatives who need a space to retreat into to refuel + reenergize

  • overworked or burned out individuals craving rejuvenation

  • couples committed and serious about revamping their connection

  • intentional birthday experiences to reconnect to your Self while also embracing the new year ahead

  • Mothers who need a space to return to themselves after their young children have passed the age of infancy (this is the age of 3).

How Does it Work?

I host this beautiful experience at my home, just off the shores of Lake Superior, in Bayfield, WI. This is the second largest fresh water lake in the world. Water is a powerful energy for healing and when I (quite literally) stumbled upon this property, I felt the inner desire to create a place to gather for connection + healing.

Weaving in the aspects of my family and our day to day is rooted in the belief that heartfelt change starts at home. And I invite you into mine. It’s a beautiful invitation, one that is very different than a retreat center or fancy hotel.

And because I host this powerful and intimate experience on the land that is my family’s home, I am selective in who I invite into this sacred space. Most often, you are an established client and we have formed a trusting relationship.

I do encourage you to inquire below to begin a conversation should this experience truly call to you.

This is an incredible unique offering.
It’s an experience you won’t forget and will leave feeling a sense of renewal from.

there are options for longer stays when there’s a desire and need for deeper returns to self.

Sometimes we have to step away and disconnect,
to discover where we’re going and how to connect intentionally again.