Navigating the potent seasons of pregnancy, birth and the true postpartum

With each birth, the Mother is also born.

With pregnancy and birth, there is a bold invitation to expand.

To cross a threshold that cannot be crossed otherwise.
And to be born anew as a braver, stronger, more grounded woman.

This wisdom has been neglected and is in need of remembering.
The remembering of how to move from maiden to Mother.


How we navigate pregnancy, birth and the initial years of postpartum sets the most important foundation in life. Ancient wisdoms are now supported by modern science that the internal state of and external environment of the Mother, throughout these crucial periods, directly impacts her unborn and born child.

When I consider my own path of purpose, it calls me again and again to the journey of Motherhood. I believe that if Mothers are guided well, supported to trust their wisdoms, and held in loving relationships she will have all she needs to give her new baby all that they in turn need to feel
safe, secure, and loved.

This is the nourishment that will sustain this child throughout their life.
What could be more important?

In supporting the Mother, there is the direct need to support the family. We can no longer keep partners separate from these sacred moments and our evolution calls especially for fathers to enter the arena. The role of the father is essential to protecting the mother-child dyad both emotionally and physically.

“My own journey into Motherhood showed me how useless self care really is and how essential community care is to our collective
well-being.” - jessica waclawski

Pregnancy: the first 9 months

With gestation, we begin.
And a bold call is sent out to invite you into a decent. Whether this is your first birth or your fifth, these 9 months are always about preparation.
Internally and externally.

Pregnancy will call attention to and activate unattended wounds especially connected to your maternal line. The deeper invitation is often bypassed through pathological labels like perinatal depression or anxiety. I see these “symptoms” as a calling for healing and honestly, a calling for ancestral healing.

I can help you unpack, make sense of, and receive the nourishment your body is asking for. Together we can meet these edges and move through them toward expansion. Because to care fully for this new being, you will need to expand who you know yourself to be.

For fathers, you too are being activated. Are you listening?
Pains and shame connected to your paternal line often arise during this time. If you choose to ignore them, this will impede your capacity to rise into Fatherhood.
If you choose instead to turn toward these calls, your capacity to protect and provide will undoubtedly expand.
Your family needs your expansion.

I’m here to guide you both across this beautiful threshold of parenthood.

Together We Can:

  • address the deeper roots of presenting anxieties or depressions

  • intentionally release and grieve your Maiden Self to move into Motherhood

  • strengthen your relationship as you prepare for parenthood together

  • support for birth planning and more importantly a plan for your postpartum

  • envision how you desire to Mother, Father, and Parent together

  • create a Blessing Ceremony for your transition and rituals for stepping into parenthood

Together We Can:

  • create an intentional and supportive plan for your postpartum, exploring cross-cultural traditions like the “First 40 Days” to ensure you rest, are nourished, and can be with your new babe.

  • process your birth experience, make meaning and integrate

  • listen to your body, her emotional waters and learn how to honor her wisdoms.

  • support your expanding relationship as parents. so much is being asked of you during these years and you need a safe place to be held.

Postpartum: years 0-3

You’re here. You’ve arrived to the other side.
Remember, mama, you are reborn with each babe. Being called to expand and transform, to shed and regrow.

The potency of the immediate post-birth portal is powerful. Your consciousness and your heart is the most open it will ever be!
Can you allow it?
Can you flow with it?
Will you listen and trust?

It makes sense if fear and anxiety arise. Our modern ways have ignored the wisdoms that soulful parts of us still remember. Sadly, the wisdom of the Mother has been shunned, dismissed, and dismantled. I’m here to help you remember again. To remember who you are and to help you step into your knowing as a brave but gentle Mother.

Fathers, you are here to hold and witness. These are wild seasons and your open heart is her anchor. I can help you navigate these waters and how to hold your heart open. You too need support so you can support her. Retreating into stoic and shutdown ways will not serve you here.

You have a very important role to play. Your presence matters immensely.
But I understand, it gets so confusing, challenging, and scary for you too.

Please don’t retreat. Please reach out instead of withdrawing.

I’m here to help guide you both.

Women are the heart, the foundation of the people. Supporting Mothers supports healthy and empowered families, which supports thriving communities, which supports all of humanity.

- Rachelle Garcia Seliga