Individual Clients

a coming home

Coming home to yourself is a journey of intimacy, an important rites of passage.
It’s where you discover who you are behind everything you’ve been told, taught, and shown to be.
We need guides along the way,
Who will help shine a light while inviting us to go deeper… exactly when we think we’ve had enough.

This is a journey many miss or avoid.
Culturally, we’ve forgotten. We’ve forgotten how essential it is,
To come back home internally before creating our own home externally.

So we get stuck.
In old ways and pains, while feeling so confused…
Because we did what we thought we were supposed to.

There in lies the problem. We followed a path someone else paved and told us to travel.
When all along, we needed to carve out our own.
Or we forgot to pivot when we outgrew a path that once served us so well.

It’s time, love.
To discover, perhaps for the first time, or to rediscover once again,
The path of your own
That will make your heart sing and your soul come alive.

What we’ll explore:

  • patterns of thinking and being that keep your heart from being open and available for connection

  • the deep root causes of depressions and anxiety, learning how to listen to the wisdom of the body and understanding what that actually is

  • cultivating empowering trust in your Self which includes our connection to Soul + Spirit, that mystery that is bigger than us

  • how you need to realign and reorientate so that you feel alive, joyful, and energized. So that you can be of true service.

What to expect:

When taking on a new client, I see it as a partnership and a beginning of a relationship. Your experience and what you receive is largely dependent on how you show up. I’ve outlined the following core tenants that I request from my clients. These help make our partnership healthy and effective.

Committed: with new clients I request a commitment to 12 initial sessions which equates to about 3-4 months of work together. In addition, your commitment is also to protecting space and the resources you need to support you in applying what we explore together into your actual life.
Consistent: that our sessions carry a cadence of consistency. Typically that means every week to every other week and that you are consistent with putting into action what you commit to in our sessions.
Receptive: my client’s report strong trust in my direct feedback. I am artful and compassionate, but I also don’t see the sense in walking around on eggshells or handholding too tightly… so it’s important that clients be willing to receive feedback and give it in return. As you’ll hear me say, it’s all about practice and never perfection.
Honest: If I don’t know, I can’t help. Hiding parts of ourselves is something we all do. AND it’s part of the problems and the pains we find ourselves trapped by. Hoarding secrets will damage this partnership worse than anything else. Honesty is necessary for all relationships and that includes with yourself.